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Juxta ensures your server’s rules are enforced and your members are having a good time.


!kick [user] (optional reason)

Kicks user from the server

!ban [user] (optional reason)

Ban user from the server

!warn [user] (optional reason)

Warns user (once the user reaches a number of warnings, they will get banned)

!reset-warnings [user]

Resets user's warnings back to 0

!mute [user] (optional reason)

Mutes user (gives them the Muted role which shouldn't have permission to talk)

!unmute [user] (optional reason)

Unmutes user (removes the Muted role)

!raidban [amount]

Bans the last amount people to join the server

!clear [amount] (optional user)

Deletes amount messages from channel. If a user is specified, it'll only delete their messages.